Get the Cleanest Car on the Lot

Professional Car Detailing in Lancaster, PA

Car Detailing That People Notice

Here at Pitney Auto Detailing, we believe that every vehicle deserves to stand out. Our premium services are designed to make a noticeable difference, ensuring your vehicle makes an impression wherever you go. We pay close attention to even the smallest details, from perfectly shining the wheels to meticulously cleaning every crevice inside your vehicle.

Make Your Car Look Brand New

Perfect Your Ride

Our team uses superior products and advanced techniques to remove dirt, grime, and imperfections, bringing out the true beauty of your vehicle. We understand that your roadster is more than just a mode of transportation—it’s an extension of yourself and a way to express your personality, and you want it to look its best.

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When Your Vehicle Looks Good, You Feel Good

There’s an undeniable sense of pride that comes with driving a well-maintained, spotless vehicle. When your car looks good, it not only enhances your personal image but also boosts your confidence behind the wheel. A clean, polished vehicle creates a positive impression, whether you're heading to a business meeting, picking up friends, or simply driving around town.

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Who We Are

Pitney Auto is an auto detailing organization that strives to provide high-quality and safe services to a variety of vehicles—from standard sedans to sports cars and everything in between. We use only top-tier products and cutting-edge equipment, so your ride receives the best possible care.

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Our Services

Regardless if it's a routine clean or an advanced detailing package, we’re committed to delivering excellence every single time with tailored services designed to meet the unique needs of each vehicle we service. Additionally, our approach to customer care is unmatched, delivering a personalized and streamlined experience from start to finish.

See All Services
  • Auto Detailing

    Unlike a regular car wash, detailing goes beyond the surface, addressing the interior and exterior of the vehicle.

  • Ceramic Coatings

    A liquid polymer applied to the exterior of a vehicle, ceramic coatings bond with the vehicle’s paint, creating a layer of protection from the sun's UV rays.

  • Paint Corrections

    This procedure uses specialized machines and polishing compounds to remove hazing, minor scratches, marring, swirl marks, and other unsightly imperfections.

  • Window Tinting

    Applying a tint to your car's windows provides many benefits, including a cooler interior, protection against sun rays, and increased privacy.

  • Wheel Refinishing

    Damaged or worn rims can detract from the appeal of your vehicle. Instead of replacing them, wheel refinishing is a great option.


Start Turning Heads

Every detail matters here at Pitney Auto Detailing. Our dedication to perfection means that the results are not only visible but also long-lasting, protecting your car's aesthetic and resale value. The next time you need car detailing in Lancaster, PA, look no further than our highly skilled team. Our expert technicians use the latest tools and techniques to ensure a spotless, polished finish for your vehicle.

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